Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Midwest Airlines New Motto: We Suck!

I have presented a challenge to myself for this post. I am trying to get it finished before the coffee is done.
Anissa and I went to Clearwater Florida this weekend for an anniversary getaway (celebrating seven years, thank you) we left Friday morning on Midwest at 5:45, bound for Tampa by eleven and a stop in Milwaukee on the way. We departed a half hour late, missed our connecting flight in Milwaukee and didn't get to Florida until 9 PM. We wasted a whole day traveling. I called Midwest and they moved our return trip to Monday instead of Sunday, giving us the day back that we missed. Good enough. Then Monday we were on the plane and leaving Florida, when the pilot had us deboard because they could not get a door closed on the plane. An hour later we were back on the lane and thirty minutes later we were in the air. We missed our connecting flight in Milwaukee. There were no flights to Kansas City until 6:30PM so another whole day wasted. Then, our 6:30 plane came in late, at about 7 PM and had some maintenance problems. We jumped to a 7:50 flight just before it took off, and arrived five minutes before the 6:30 flight arrived. To make matters worse, they lost our luggage. It is located and safe now.
Midwest was not the best care in the air, no matter how good their damn cookies are.
Coffee is finished burbling...


Steaming bowl o' Calderone said...

Happy belated anniversary and welcome back home.

sugarbumkin said...

Could be worse. You could have flown Southwest.